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10 Girlie Seconds with Lucy Davis

Categories: the tv set
I first discovered Lucy Davis when I watched both seasons of the British Office in one sitting. She's a doll! It only got better with her spot-on work in Shaun of the Dead. So, naturally, I was not at all surprised at what a delight it was to down a cocktail and talk movies with her at The TV Set premiere.

What was it like to be in a movie with Sigourney Weaver?
Oh, she's the best. I've always loved her. I was doing an interview in England about seven years ago, and a journalist asked me what actress I'd love to work with. And I was like, "Sigourney Weaver." She looked really annoyed by that and was like, "Right, who else?" I was a bit young then, so I was like, "Uh…Kate Winslet," and she was like, "Oh, lovely!" But I've always wanted to work with Sigourney, especially after The Ice Storm.

Yes, when she's in bed with Kevin Kline and she tells him he's boring.
Oh, terrific. Yes, she can do everything. I didn't have any scenes with her in this movie, but I thought, Ooh, I'd do the table read with her.

And how did that go?
I actually embarrassingly shoved people out of the way so I could sit next to her at table read. And there was one person on the way, Jake Kasdan, and I scowled at him!

Well, these things matter. That was your chance. And Jake clearly pulled it together.
Oh, bless you! You liked it. Good, because it's so awkward at these things when you don't like the movie, and people ask, "Did you like my bit?" And you're like, "Um...I really liked it when you came onscreen and did that thing."

Amen, girl.


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